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About the Journal

The Dalat University Journal of Science (DLU-JOS), formerly known as the Dalat University Scientific Bulletin, was established in 1984 as a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal published by Dalat University. In 2017, the DLU-JOS became one of the first six Vietnamese scholarly journals to be indexed in the prestigious ASEAN Citation Index (ACI). In 2018, the DLU-JOS gained the distinction of being the first multidisciplinary scholarly journal in Vietnam published by a national institution to be granted full membership status in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It became the first Vietnamese open-access journal indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) in 2018 and received the DOAJ Seal in 2020. Since 2021, it has been an official partner of the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service (formerly known as Publons). The DLU-JOS has been recognized by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development of the Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology as a prestigious national journal in the fields of physics (since 2019), economics (since 2023), literature (since 2024), and history-archaeology-ethnology (since 2024).

The DLU-JOS covers a broad range of disciplines: social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and technology, and economics and management. While the journal prioritizes Vietnamese research within these areas, it also welcomes submissions addressing themes relevant to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) community. To foster regional collaboration, the DLU-JOS encourages research with a distinct Vietnamese or ASEAN focus, as well as studies with international implications relevant to these regions. The DLU-JOS’s digital publishing management system is organized by the abovementioned disciplines, featuring permanent sections dedicated to each core area of interest. These sections are continuously open for submissions. For a more detailed exploration of the DLU-JOS, please refer here.

