About the Journal


Focus and Scope

The Dalat University Journal of Science (DLU-JOS) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed open-access journal published by Dalat University. The DLU-JOS welcomes original research articles and review papers in natural sciences and technology, social sciences and humanities, and economics and management. The DLU-JOS platform is organized into permanent, discipline-specific sections to facilitate browsing published articles and submitting new manuscripts relevant to each area of expertise. These sections are continuously open for submissions.

[1] Natural Sciences and Technology: This section features original research and review papers from several scientific and technical disciplines, including applied physics, biology, chemistry and chemical engineering, computer science and information technology, and mathematics.

[2] Social Sciences and Humanities: This section features the advancement of the humanities and social sciences in the context of Vietnam, including archaeology, cultural studies, education, ethnology, history, literature and linguistics, and sociology.

[3] Economics and Management: This section covers the entire scope of economics and management research in the Vietnamese context. Topics include business, economics, finance, and management.

DLU-JOS is a national academic journal that prioritizes Vietnamese scholarship within its core focus areas. To showcase cutting-edge research in specific areas, the DLU-JOS publishes annual issues dedicated to topics impacting Vietnam and its academic community. Recent examples include Vietnamese literature and history, Vietnamese archeology and ethnology, and scientific fields such as biology and applied physics. We also welcome submissions addressing themes related to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), particularly those relevant to Vietnamese readers, fostering regional collaboration. Submissions are encouraged to fall into one of these categories:

[1] Distinctly Vietnamese or ASEAN-related research: This encompasses studies that focus specifically on Vietnam or ASEAN member states.

[2] Research with a regional or international scope, but relevant to Vietnam: This category includes broader studies with significant implications for Vietnam.

Section Policies

Journal Section: Natural Sciences and Technology

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Journal Section: Social Sciences and Humanities

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Journal Section: Economics and Management

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to the DLU-JOS undergo a rigorous peer review process to ensure that high-quality research is published. A breakdown of the process follows. (See our Peer Review Process for further information.)

[1] Editorial screening: Each submitted manuscript within the DLU-JOS’s scope and author guidelines will be assigned to a Section Editor for an initial assessment. This assessment determines whether the manuscript merits further consideration in a full, in-depth peer review process.

[2] Double-blind peer review: At least two independent external experts, not affiliated with the DLU-JOS’s Editorial Board, conduct an anonymous double-blind review of each manuscript.

[3] Editorial decision: The Section Editor makes an initial editorial decision on the basis of the reviewers’ reports, subject to endorsement by the Managing Editor.

The DLU-JOS strives to confirm the initial decision on submitted manuscripts within three months.

Publication Frequency

The DLU-JOS publishes printed issues quarterly, at the end of March, June, September, and December.

Since 2020, the DLU-JOS has adopted the Advanced Online Publication (AOP) model. This publication model makes accepted articles available online in a final and fully citable form (with volume, issue, page numbers, and an assigned DOI) upon completion of the editing process, ahead of their inclusion in printed issues. The AOP model benefits our authors and readers by enabling rapid article access and accelerating citations. We remain committed to the swift dissemination of research while upholding our journals’ high-quality standards.

Open-Access Policy

The DLU-JOS is committed to open-access, making all articles freely available online immediately upon publication. This approach supports a wider global exchange of knowledge and research. Readers are entitled to

[1] Read, download, copy, distribute, print, and search the full text of the DLU-JOS’s articles.

[2] Link to the DLU-JOS’s articles for any legitimate purpose.

[3] Reuse, redistribute, remix, transform, and build upon the content of the DLU-JOS’s articles (published from Issue 1, Volume 10, 2020 onwards) under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Long-term Preservation and Self-archiving Policies

The DLU-JOS is committed to the long-term preservation of its content. We use the Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) system to create a distributed archiving network among participating libraries. This ensures permanent access to the DLU-JOS’s articles through these libraries’ archives. The full text of all DLU-JOS’s articles is deposited in the Public Knowledge Project’s Private LOCKSS Network (PKP-PLN), guaranteeing long-term digital accessibility and preservation.

Authors are permitted to deposit different versions of their work (preprint, author's accepted manuscript, or published article) in an institutional or other repository of their choice without embargo.

Indexing and Abstracting

The DLU-JOS is indexed and abstracted in a variety of prestigious databases, including ACI and DOAJ. This ensures maximum discoverability of published articles, making them readily accessible to a wide range of researchers worldwide.

ASEAN Citation Index (ACI)
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Google Scholar
WorldCat (OCLC)


The DLU-JOS is included in the Vietnam Journals Online (VJOL) database, which is managed by the National Agency for Science and Technology Information (NASATI) under Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). This prestigious listing ensures that the DLU-JOS meets national quality standards and increases discoverability for Vietnamese researchers.

Editorial Policies and Publication Ethics

The DLU-JOS is committed to upholding the highest standards of research ethics. We endorse and adhere to international guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), of which the DLU-JOS is a member. These guidelines provide a framework for ethical conduct by editors, reviewers, and authors, ensuring the integrity and quality of published research. For further information, see COPE’s resources for editors, reviewers, and authors, including but not limited to the International Standards for Responsible Research Publication for Editors, the Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers, and the International Standards for Responsible Research Publication for Authors.

Furthermore, the DLU-JOS is committed to following the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing co-developed by COPE, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). These principles outline best practices for transparency, editorial independence, peer review, and authors’ rights, further strengthening our commitment to ethical research publication.

To ensure that all our editors, reviewers, and authors can easily navigate best practices in scholarly publishing and ethical considerations, the DLU-JOS has established clear and concise editorial policies and publication ethics in Vietnamese. These policies are based on the international ethical guidelines and best practices in scholarly publishing developed by COPE. By providing Vietnamese language resources, the DLU-JOS hopes to further promote a transparent and ethical publication process for everyone involved.

[1] Peer review policy: The DLU-JOS employs a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of published research. Reviewers’ identities are concealed from authors and vice versa. Section Editors assess submissions and assign them to at least two external experts in the relevant field, independent of DLU-JOS’s editorial staff. Editorial decisions made by the Section Editor are based on reviewers’ reports, which are subject to the Managing Editor’s endorsement. Authors should note that a single positive review may not guarantee acceptance, as significant concerns raised by another reviewer can lead to rejection. See our Peer Review Process and Peer Review Policy for further information.

[2] Article correction policy: The DLU-JOS is committed to publishing accurate and reliable research. In rare instances where errors are identified in published articles, the DLU-JOS follows a transparent correction policy. For errors that significantly impact the interpretation or conclusions of the article but do not invalidate it entirely, an erratum will be published. This erratum will be indexed and linked to the original article to ensure transparency and clarity for readers.

[3] Article withdrawal, retraction, removal, and replacement policy: See our Article Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, and Replacement Policy for further information.

[4] Authorship policy: See our Authorship Policy for further information.

[5] Special issue policy: See our Special Issue Policy for further information.

[6] Plagiarism detection and prevention policy: By submitting a manuscript, authors implicitly agree that their work is original, free from fabrication or falsification, and includes proper citation of all relevant sources. To safeguard research integrity, the DLU-JOS employs Similarity Check – a service provided by Crossref and powered by the iThenticate plagiarism detection system – to identify potential instances of duplicate or unattributed content in all submitted manuscripts. Furthermore, reviewers are encouraged to report any suspected plagiarism, fraud, or other ethical concerns to the Section Editor, providing specific details. See our Review Form for additional information.


[1] The DLU-JOS has been a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) since 2018. This demonstrates our commitment to upholding the highest standards of research ethics.

[2] The DLU-JOS has also been a member of Crossref, the official registration agency of the International Digital Object Identifier Foundation, since 2020. This membership ensures the discoverability, citability, and traceability of research published in the DLU-JOS, maximizing the impact of your work.


The DLU-JOS has been an official partner of the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service since 2021. This partnership streamlines reviewer recognition, ensuring our reviewers receive the credit they deserve. It also demonstrates our commitment to transparency and integrity in scholarly publishing practices.

Plagiarism Detection to Ensure Writing and Research Integrity

The DLU-JOS uses Similarity Check, a service provided by Crossref and powered by the iThenticate plagiarism detection system, to screen all submitted manuscripts for potential plagiarism. This proactive approach safeguards the integrity of research published in the DLU-JOS. Authors, researchers, and freelancers can also use iThenticate to screen their work before submission.

Disclaimer Statements

[1] Dalat University gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information and materials contained on this website. Under no circumstances will Dalat University be held responsible or liable in any way for any claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs, or liabilities whatsoever (including, without limitation, any direct or indirect damages for loss of profits, business interruption, or loss of information) resulting or arising directly or indirectly from your use of or inability to use the articles published in the DLU-JOS (both printed and online versions).

[2] The views and opinions expressed in the articles published in the DLU-JOS belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily state or reflect those of Dalat University as an institution or those of the DLU-JOS’s Editorial Board.

[3] Dalat University and the DLU-JOS stay neutral about jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Journal Sponsorship

The DLU-JOS is proudly sponsored by Dalat University. We are committed to making research accessible to everyone. To achieve this goal, the DLU-JOS operates under a diamond open-access publishing model. This means there are no submission fees, no publication fees, and immediate open access to all published content.

Corresponding authors receive a complimentary printed copy of the journal issue featuring their article. They can choose to pick it up at the DLU-JOS Editorial Office or have it delivered by postal mail at no cost. Both corresponding authors and co-authors can inquire about ordering additional offprints for a fee by contacting us.

Journal History – A Legacy of Excellence

The Dalat University Journal of Science (DLU-JOS) has a rich history, dating back to its establishment in 1984 as the Dalat University Scientific Bulletin (DLU-SB). In 2010 and 2016, the Vietnamese Ministry of Information and Communications granted the DLU-JOS press licenses (No. 689/GP-BTTTT and No. 413/GP-BTTTT) authorizing the publication of four issues annually. The DLU-JOS carries forward the legacy and prestige of the DLU-SB. Today, the DLU-JOS serves as a prominent platform for disseminating research across three core disciplines: social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and technology, and economics and management.

A Brief History of the DLU-JOS Title

The Dalat University Journal of Science (DLU-JOS) has undergone a title change. Originally established in 1984, it was known as the Dalat University Scientific Bulletin (DLU-SB) and published under the Vietnamese name Thông báo Khoa học Đại học Đà Lạt. This title remained in use until Volume 15 in 2009. Since Volume 1 of 2011, the journal has been known by its current name, DLU-JOS, with the Vietnamese equivalent being Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Đà Lạt. The ISSN of the DLU-JOS is 0866-787X. The title history is tabulated as follows:

Feature Current (Vol. 1, 2011 onwards) Former (Vol. 1, 1984 – Vol. 15, 2009)
Journal name (English) Dalat University Journal of Science Dalat University Scientific Bulletin
Abbreviation (English) DLU-JOS DLU-SB
Journal name (Vietnamese) Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Đà Lạt Thông báo Khoa học Đại học Đà Lạt
ISSN 0866-787X N/A

Key Milestones

The DLU-JOS has a rich history marked by significant achievements. The following are some key milestones achieved:

[1] 1984: The inaugural issue of DLU-SB was published.

[2] 2010: The DLU-JOS was granted the first 5-year press license (No. 689/GP-BTTTT) by the Vietnamese Ministry of Information and Communications.

[3] 2011: Volume 1 of DLU-JOS was published.

[4] 2016: The DLU-JOS established a dedicated online publishing system named the DLU-JOS Digital Publishing Management System. It also received a 10-year press license (No. 413/GP-BTTTT) and was organized into three permanent, discipline-specific sections: Natural Sciences and Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Economics and Management.

[5] 2017: The DLU-JOS achieved significant international recognition by being indexed in the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI). It is one of the first six Vietnamese scholarly journals to achieve that distinction.

[6] 2018: The DLU-JOS was the first scholarly journal in Vietnam published by a national institution to be approved as a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

[7] 2019: The DLU-JOS was recognized by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) and the Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology as one of the eighth most prestigious national journals in the field of physics.

[8] 2021: The DLU-JOS began publishing all periodical issues in English.

[9] 2023: The DLU-JOS was recognized by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) as one of the thirteenth most prestigious national journals in the field of economics.

[10] 2024: This year marks a momentous occasion for the DLU-JOS as it celebrates its 40th anniversary (1984–2024). The DLU-JOS was recognized by the NAFOSTED as one of the very few leading national journals in both literature and history-archaeology-ethnology


Dalat University – Striving for Excellence Since 1958

Founded in 1958 as the first institution of higher education in Vietnam’s Central Highlands, Dalat University (formerly known as Viện Đại học Đà Lạt) underwent a reorganization in 1976 and emerged as the largest nonprofit public multidisciplinary university in the Central Highlands region.

With a legacy spanning over 65 years, Dalat University has stood as a beacon of innovation and progress, with an important position in the higher education system nationwide. Dalat University’s enduring journey underscores its unwavering commitment to excellence in education and development. Dalat University’s reputation extends as an established and esteemed center for education, scientific research, technology transfer, and community engagement for the Central Highlands, South Central Coast, and Southeast regions of Vietnam, as well as the national higher education system. Dalat University is ranked 33rd among the Top 100 Universities in Vietnam in the VNUR Ranking 2024.

Highlights – What Makes Us Distinct

  • The longest-standing and largest university in Vietnam’s Central Highlands and South Central Coast (since 1958).
  • One of four comprehensive universities in Vietnam focusing on basic science (1976–1990).
  • One of the first universities in Vietnam to apply the credit-based system and multiple-choice examination method in higher education (1994).
  • The first university in Vietnam to use multiple-choice tests as a form of objective assessment in the entrance examination (1996).
  • One of five Vietnamese universities authorized by the Vietnamese government to train students for employment in the nuclear energy industry (since 2010).
  • One of the first universities in Vietnam to have a herbarium with more than 5,000 specimens of vascular plants, to be registered in Index Herbariorum, and to be monitored by the NYBG Steere Herbarium (since 2014).
  • The first university in the Central Highlands and South Central Coast to have a collection of more than 50,000 Vietnamese insect specimens (since 2015).

Contact Information

  • Address: 01 Phu Dong Thien Vuong Street, Ward 8, Dalat City, Lam Dong Province, Vietnam
  • Telephone: +84 263 3822246
  • Facsimile: +84 263 3823380
  • Website: www.dlu.edu.vn
  • Email: phongtctt@dlu.edu.vn