The Dalat University Journal of Science’s Digital Publishing Management System has been upgraded


We are pleased to announce that the Digital Publishing Management System (DPMS) of the Dalat University Journal of Science (DLU JOS) has been successfully upgraded from OJS 3.3 to OJS 3.4, which is the newest version of the Open Journal System released by the Public Knowledge Project. It should be noted that, although the fundamental features of our DPMS remain the same, there are some significant improvements in version OJS 3.4, including a new submission wizard and an improved process for recording editorial decisions. Furthermore, submission titles can now contain limited formatting, which is particularly important for articles referencing taxonomical names (which are typically formatted in italics) and for review articles (which may reference the reviewed resource by underlining the title). The theme of the DLU JOS is also upgraded, using a more responsive and friendly design. The new theme is now able to automatically adjust the website content and images according to screen size and orientation to preserve readability and the intended look. We hope that the new theme will create a better user experience for our DPMS.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any assistance, have queries, or require further information.

Please join with us to celebrate the new DPMS of the Dalat University Journal of Science!