Camellia, Endemic, Re-classification, Section Piquetia, Taxonomic key.Abstract
New Camellia species in section Piquetia have recently been discovered. It is necessary to enumerate the number of species and update the specific characteristics of this section. Based on the study of more than 30 pieces of literature and a large number of specimens, a total of 15 species belonging to section Piquetia, including two new species, are identified. A taxonomic key to all species is provided, and typical characteristics of the section are also discussed. Information on the distribution, ecology, and conservation status of each species, as well as notes on the differences between closely related species, is also provided.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Roman Vasilyevich Doudkin, Nong Van Duy, Vu Kim Cong, Tran Thai Vinh, H’Yon Nie Bing, Dang Thi Tham, Quach Van Hoi

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