
  • Vũ Văn Cảnh The Faculty of Information Technology, Lequydon Technical University; and The Faculty of Information Technology, Telecommunication University, Viet Nam
  • Hoàng Tuấn Hảo The Faculty of Information Technology, Lequydon Technical University, Viet Nam
  • Nguyễn Văn Hoàn The Faculty of Information Technology, Telecommunication University, Viet Nam



Attack detection, Classification, Genetic Programming (GP), IDS, TAG3P.


Nowadays, the problem of network security has become urgent and affect the performance of modern computer networks greatly. Detection and prevention of network attacks have been the main topic of many researchers in the World. One of the safety measures for networks is using the intrusion detection systems. However, these measures are costly, ineffective, unreliable and can-not detect new or unknown attacks. Some studies using machine learning technology have been applied in intrusion detection. In our work, we proposed using Genetic Programming (GP) to improve intrusion detection. In the experiments, we used GP and Tree Adjoining Grammar Guided Genetic Programming (TAG3P) on artifical datasets suggested by Pham, Nguyen, and Nguyen (2014). Compared with previous results, we found that GP and TAG3P are more effective in detecting attacks than previous measures.


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Volume and Issues


Natural Sciences and Technology

How to Cite

Cảnh, V. V., Hảo, H. T., & Hoàn, N. V. (2017). IMPROVING INTRUSION DETECTION USING TREE ADJOINING GRAMMAR GUIDED GENETIC PROGRAMMING. Dalat University Journal of Science, 7(3), 379-400.