Audit report lag, Audited financial reports, Determinants, Timeliness, Vietnamese listed companies.Abstract
The purpose of this research is to identify the determinants of audit report lag of the Vietnamese listed firms. Using a dataset of 176 firms listed on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2016, the ordinary least square pooled data model regression results show that the audit report lag of the Vietnamese firms is determined by four factors: The quality of the auditors, the profitability of the firms, the amount of inventory and account receivable, and the total amount of accrual of the listed firms. In particular, the firms’ profitability negatively affects the firms’ audit report lag, while the amount of inventory and account receivable positively affects the firms’ audit report lag. Contrary to previous literature, the Vietnamese listed firms which are audited by high-quality auditors usually have longer audit report lag, while the firms with large amount of total accruals generally have shorter audit report lag. A robust test is performed, where the regression equation is re-estimated using panel data estimation techniques with random effect model, and the results confirm the above conclusions.Downloads
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