
  • Huỳnh Thành Lộc The Faculty of Information Technology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages - Information Technology, Viet Nam



Correlation, Data mining, Frequent itemset, Taxonomy.


Frequent itemset mining is one of the most important research areas in the field of association rule mining. Exploiting frequent itemsets at different abstraction levels of data will yield valuable knowledge. However, some Confusing Frequent Itemsets (CFIs) could be included in the mined set. These CFIs represent contrasting knowledge with their low-level descendants. Experts need to analyze CFIs from traditional frequent itemsets to make more accurate recommendations. In this paper, we presented a definition of a CFI, CFI’s interestingness measure and how to apply existing frequent itemset mining techniques to discover CFIs from data by exploiting a taxonomy.


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Volume and Issues


Natural Sciences and Technology

How to Cite

Lộc, H. T. (2018). DISCOVERING CONFUSING FREQUENT ITEMSETS. Dalat University Journal of Science, 8(2), 124-138.