Critical parameter, Magnetic entropy change, Magnetic refrigeration, Magnetic transition, Magnetocaloric effect, Melt-spinning method.Abstract
In this work, we investigated the critical behavior of Fe88Co2Zr7B2Cu1 alloy ribbons prepared using a single-roller melt-spinning method. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the alloy is almost amorphous. This alloy undergoes a second-order ferromagnetic-paramagnetic (FM-PM) phase transition at room temperature (Curie temperature TC = 296 K). To investigate the nature of the FM-PM phase transition near the TC for the alloy, we performed a critical-exponent study. Based on modified Arrott plots, the Kouvel-Fisher method, and Widom’s scaling relation, a set of critical parameters were determined. The critical parameters are β = 0.545 ± 0.041 and γ = 1.109 ± 0.018 obtained from the modified Arrott plots; β = 0.547 ± 0.005 and γ = 1.105 ± 0.016 from the Kouvel-Fisher method, and d = 3.035 ± 0.059 from Widom’s scaling relation. These values are close to those expected for the mean-field model, revealing long-range FM interactions.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nguyen Hai Yen, Nguyen Hoang Ha, Pham Thi Thanh, Kieu Xuan Hau, Tran Dang Thanh, Nguyen Huy Dan.

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